105· (File) The government on Tuesday said it has amended rules with a view to allow 50 per cent sale of coal from captive mines. The move is likely to benefit over Ministry of Coal has notified rules for 50% sale of coal ,106· This step is expected to give benefit to over 100 captive coal and lignite blocks with over 500 million tons per annum Peak Rated Capacity as well as all coal and lignite bearing.Coal Ministry notifies rules for 50% sale of coal from ,105· Coal mines that produce coal only for their own use (also known as captive mines) will now be able to sell 50 percent of their annual output in the open
105· Coal Ministry notifies rules for 50% sale of coal from ‘captive mines’ 2 min read . Updated: 05 Oct , 05:58 PM IST Edited By Meghna Sen Workers walk on a Committee Reports PRS Legislative Research,The Standing Committee on Coal and Steel submitted its 31st report on the “Review of Allotment, Development and Performance of Coal/Lignite Blocks” on April 23, 2013. Ministry notifies rules for 50% sale of coal from captive ,105· The move is also expected to benefit over 100 captive coal and lignite blocks with over 500 million tonne per annum peak rated capacity as well as all coal
1.Applications for allocation of coal blocks for captive mining for the specified end uses shall be made to the Director (CAI) in the Ministry of Coal in five copies. The application R F D coal.nic.in,1 To ensure achievement of targets for coal production and offtake, lignite production and power generation (NLC). 2 To facilitate development and production from captive Ministry of Coal, Government of India,Guidelines for preparation of Mining plan for the coal and lignite blocks. (07/12/2010) Downloads File Size:4.84 MB File Type: PDF Ministry of Coal Order No. 13011/8/97
19· Captive coal blocks produced only 25.1 million tonne (MT) in FY19, much lower than the peak output of 43.2 MT in FY15 when the Supreme Court had cancelled the licences of 204 such coal mines.Ministry of Coal has notified rules for 50% sale of coal ,106· This step is expected to give benefit to over 100 captive coal and lignite blocks with over 500 million tons per annum Peak Rated Capacity as well as all coal and lignite bearing.Coal Production Set to Reach 850900 MT by End of FY23,Coal production from captive mines increased by 30.7% yoy in YTD FY23 and contributed 13.4% to the total coal production during this period, vs. 11.8% during the same period in FY22. Steady growth in captive coal production was led by the government’s support and allowing the sale of up to 50% of the annual production from existing
106· Move to Benefit over 100 Captive Coal and Lignite Blocks with over 500 Million Ton per Annum Peak Rated Capacity. The Ministry of Coal has amended Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 with a view to allowing sale ofcoal or lignite, on payment of additional amount, by the lessee of a captive mine up to 50 percent of the total coal or Government Allows Sale Of Up To 50% Coal From Captive Mines NDTV,105· Coal ministry has allowed sale of 50 per cent of dry fuel from reserves after meeting enduse needs. Coal Ministry has paved the way for sale of up to 50 per cent coal or lignite produced in aCommittee Reports PRS Legislative Research,The Standing Committee on Coal and Steel submitted its 31st report on the “Review of Allotment, Development and Performance of Coal/Lignite Blocks” on April 23, 2013. The Committee dealt with the functioning of the Screening Committee, guidelines on allocation of coal blocks, the monitoring mechanism and the review of the coal blocks by the
105· The move is also expected to benefit over 100 captive coal and lignite blocks with over 500 million tonne per annum peak rated capacity as well as all coal and lignite bearing States..Govt Notifies Rules For 50 Per Cent Sale Of Coal From Captive ,106· The ministry said that the move is likely to benefit over 100 captive coal and lignite blocks with over 500 million tonper annum peak rated capacity as well as all coal and lignite bearing states.Centre to permit sale of 50% coal from captive blocks; invites comments,221· The Centre plans to permit sale of 50 per cent of coal/lignite produced by captive blocks, a move aimed at augmenting the production and increasing the availability of dry fuel. The government plans to do so through incorporation of a provision in the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR).
105· The change would be applicable for both the private and public sector coal and lignite captive minesThe availability of additional coal will ease pressure on po. Home; News Updates. News Updates. National News; State News; Opinion; Hot & Viral; PSU Watch Captive mines will now be allowed to sell 50 percent of the coal or lignite Ministry of Coal, Government of India,Guidelines for preparation of Mining plan for the coal and lignite blocks. (07/12/2010) Downloads File Size:4.84 MB File Type: PDF Ministry of Coal Order No. 13011/8/97CA dated 1 March,1999 regarding sale/use of surplus coal from captive coal blocks : Downloads File Size:113.12 KB File Type: PDF : Carousel. Footer menu. Website Policy; To fix coal crunch, captive mines’ 50% output get sale nod,105· The move to amend the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 is expected to benefit operators of 100 coal and lignite blocks, with an annual production capacity of 500 tonnes. Captive mines are operated by endusers
19· Captive coal blocks produced only 25.1 million tonne (MT) in FY19, much lower than the peak output of 43.2 MT in FY15 when the Supreme Court had cancelled the licences of 204 such coal.Ministry of Coal, Government of India,A. GUIDELINES. 1.Applications for allocation of coal blocks for captive mining for the specified end uses shall be made to the Director (CAI) in the Ministry of Coal in five copies. The application shall be accompanied by the following in addition to any other relevant documentation that the applicant may submit:Centre plans to permit sale of 50% coal from captive blocks, ,221· NEW DELHI: The Centre plans to permit sale of 50 per cent of coal/lignite produced by captive blocks, a move aimed at augmenting the production and increasing the availability of dry fuel. The government plans to do so through incorporation of a provision in the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR).
Coal production from captive mines increased by 30.7% yoy in YTD FY23 and contributed 13.4% to the total coal production during this period, vs. 11.8% during the same period in FY22. Steady growth in captive coal production was led by the government’s support and allowing the sale of up to 50% of the annual production from existingMinistry of Coal Notifies rules for 50% Sale of Coal from Captive ,106· Move to Benefit over 100 Captive Coal and Lignite Blocks with over 500 Million Ton per Annum Peak Rated Capacity. The Ministry of Coal has amended Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 with a view to allowing sale ofcoal or lignite, on payment of additional amount, by the lessee of a captive mine up to 50 percent of the total coal or Govt Allows 50% Sale Of Coal From Captive Mines Free PDF ,108· The move is likely to benefit over 100 captive coal and lignite blocks with over 500 million tonnes per annum peak rated capacity as well as all coal and lignite bearing states. Coal ministry statement “The Ministry of Coal has amended Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 with a view to allowing sale of coal or lignite, on payment of
105· The move to amend the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 is expected to benefit operators of 100 coal and lignite blocks, with an annual production capacity of 500 tonnes. Captive mines are operated by endusers Government Allows Sale Of Up To 50% Coal From Captive Mines NDTV,105· Coal ministry has allowed sale of 50 per cent of dry fuel from reserves after meeting enduse needs. Coal Ministry has paved the way for sale of up to 50 per cent coal or lignite produced in aCommittee Reports PRS Legislative Research,Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) should get priority in allotment. The Committee recommended that the coal blocks allocated for captive use based on wrong information about the eligibility criteria furnished by the allottees should be cancelled immediately and the companies be black listed for future allocation of coal blocks and other minerals.
221· The Centre plans to permit sale of 50 per cent of coal/lignite produced by captive blocks, a move aimed at augmenting the production and increasing the availability of dry fuel. The government plans to do so through incorporation of a provision in the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR).Govt Notifies Rules For 50 Per Cent Sale Of Coal From Captive ,106· The ministry said that the move is likely to benefit over 100 captive coal and lignite blocks with over 500 million tonper annum peak rated capacity as well as all coal and lignite.Govt allows captive mines to sell 50% coal, lignite in a financial year,105· The change would be applicable for both the private and public sector coal and lignite captive minesThe availability of additional coal will ease pressure on po. Home; News Updates. News Updates. National News; State News; Opinion; Hot & Viral; PSU Watch Captive mines will now be allowed to sell 50 percent of the coal or lignite
Captive Coal Block Coal and Lignite Reserves Coal and Lignite Resources Despatches of Coal and Lignite Explosives Used in Coal Mines Financial Performance of Coal Sector Illegal Mining Offtake, Demand and Supply of Coal and Lignite Over Burden Removal and Stripping Ratio in Revenue Mines Production of Coal and Lignite Raising, Despatch andLIGNITE BLOCKS The Economic Times,122· The Union Coal Ministry has allocated two coal blocks in Chhatisgarh and Jharkhand to Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) for implementing its power projects in Tamil Nadu and for another project in UP. 08 Jul, 2013, 07.46 PM IST Neyveli Lignite shares gain as Sebi gives Tamil Nadu consent to buy stakeMinistry of Coal, Government of India,A. GUIDELINES. 1.Applications for allocation of coal blocks for captive mining for the specified end uses shall be made to the Director (CAI) in the Ministry of Coal in five copies. The application shall be accompanied by the following in addition to any other relevant documentation that the applicant may submit:
Guidelines for preparation of Mining plan for the coal and lignite blocks. (07/12/2010) Downloads File Size:4.84 MB File Type: PDF Ministry of Coal Order No. 13011/8/97CA dated 1 March,1999 regarding sale/use of surplus coal from captive coal blocks : Downloads File Size:113.12 KB File Type: PDF : Carousel. Footer menu. Website Policy; Centre plans to permit sale of 50% coal from captive blocks, ,221· NEW DELHI: The Centre plans to permit sale of 50 per cent of coal/lignite produced by captive blocks, a move aimed at augmenting the production and increasing the availability of dry fuel. The government plans to do so through incorporation of a provision in the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR).,