design pit surpac indonesia

  • GEOVIA Surpac Course Catalog Indonesia Dassault

    The GEOVIA Surpac for Engineers fiveday course is designed for engineers who are either new to Surpac’s engineering module or would like to refresh Surpac Tips Pit Design, top to bottom Dassault ,To design the next bench at 1030 mRL, go to Design > Expand Segment > To elevation; and select the pit top string file, it will create bench line at 1030 mRL where Surpac Tips Designing ramps with varying slope angle ,To define ramp properties, go to Design > Pit design > New ramp; then select the ramp starting points: Next to expand the bench, go to Design > Expand

  • Download Tutorial Surpac Lengkap Versi Pdf

    Surpac merupakan aplikasi pelatihan software tambang dalam hal pit design, contouring, block model, pembuatan peta topography, road design dan sebagainya yang berhubungan dengan mine plan. DESAIN PIT COMPARTMENT MENGGUNAKAN MANUAL,PIT DESAIN DI PT. VALE INDONESIA Tbk. Taufik Hidayat1*, Djamaluddin2, Alfian Nawir1 1 Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, The pit compartment (PDF) Tutorial Dasar GEOVIA Surpac ADI SAPUTRO,Kotak dialog Design slope angle method Selanjutnya kita kilik tool design > pit design > set slope gradient Gambar 47. Input pit design slope gradient Muncul kotak dialog set the

  • Design Pit Surpac Indonesia HN droled mine treatment

    Dec 28, 2012 Surpac delivers all the tools engineers need to create designs and plans for open pit and underground operations.In the system's integrated mine engineering design pit surpac indonesia,Geovia Surpac Arnoc Indonesia. Geovia Surpac Arnoc Indonesia Integrated geology, resource modelling, mine planning and production GEOVIA Surpac™ is the world’s most Cara Membuat Pit Design Single/Multiple Bench ,Perhitungan Volume Pit Design Single/Multiple Bench Dengan Surpac. Hitung OB: Volumes – Cut and fill between DTMs. Hasil volume OB adalah: 2.928.400,9 BCM. Hitung COAL: Volumes – Cut

  • (PDF) Application of Surpac and Whittle

    The objective of open pit optimisation and design is to determine, prior to the start of mining operations, the final shape and size of the pit which contains ore that can be mined safely andFiky Hendrawan Foreman Mine Plan LinkedIn,A Mining Engineer who has expertise in mine design, pit optimization, mine schedulling, mechanical earthmoving, and monitoring control. Have the DESAIN PIT COMPARTMENT MENGGUNAKAN MANUAL,PIT DESAIN DI PT. VALE INDONESIA Tbk. Taufik Hidayat1*, Djamaluddin2, Alfian Nawir1 1 Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, The pit compartment design is a pit design made up of ore (ore body) shapes by dividing the ore body (block model) into sections

  • (PDF) Tutorial Dasar GEOVIA Surpac ADI SAPUTRO

    Kotak dialog Design slope angle method Selanjutnya kita kilik tool design > pit design > set slope gradient Gambar 47. Input pit design slope gradient Muncul kotak dialog set the design gradient untuk di bagian units kita pilih angle dan di bagian gradient kita isikan 43 (nilai ini sesuai dari rekomendasi geoteknik bisa mengunakan softwere slide) kemudian (PDF) OPEN PIT DESIGN AND SCHEDULING,Under Manager Now working at Surpac Minex, Hyderabad, INDIA Singareni Collieries Page 1 of 18 A project is taken up at Singareni Collieries to design a pit, spoil dump and production scheduling using ‘Apollo & Orion modules of MINEX software’, to get the desired pit design and stage wise plans for preparation of feasibility report.BAB III LANDASAN TEORI,24 e. Perhitungan biayabiaya operasi dan kapital Dengan menggunakan tingkat produksi untuk peralatan yang dipilih, dapat dihitung jumlah gilir kerja (operating shift) yang diperlukan untukmencapai sasaran produksi. Jumlah dan jadwal kerja dari personil

  • Lowongan: Mine Plan Engineering Manager di Warsita

    · Menguasai pengolahan data dengan M. office, surpac, autocad, Minescape Open Cut, SPRY / XPAC, Minex. · Minimal Memiliki sertifikasi POM. · Penempatan Jakarta. · Mampu bekerja mandiri dan bekerjasama dengan team. II.Andrew Weatherspoon Senior Mining Engineer Stantec ,I work with the team by guiding and directing efforts to achieve company goals as well as provide training and leadership for the development of team members. andrew.weatherspoon@gmail 907987M Faisal Sumantri Deputy Project Manager,Jan Sep 1 tahun 9 bulan. Pulau Pulau Wetar, Maluku, Indonesia. Involve in Long term Wetar Copper Project team to find any

  • Putri Ester R. Sipayung Management Trainee SENTOSA

    Tutorial Software Surpac Part VIII.3 Membuat Pit Design #tutorial #software #surpac #mineplan #pitdesign #belajar Liked by Putri Ester R. Sipayung View Putri Ester R.’s full profileOpen Pit Optimisation and Design: A Stepwise Approach*,The optimal pit is then imported back to Surpac for detailed pit design incorporating a ramp and berms. The designed pit contains 5.03 Mt of ore at an average grade of 1.7063 g/t. However, it has 19.58 % more tonnes of waste, 16.05 % less tonnes of ore and 0.34 % lower average grade of ore than theOpen Pit Optimisation and Design of Tabakoto Pit at ,Tabakoto deposit using Surpac; importing the block model to Whittle for pit optimisation; and importation of the optimal pit back to Surpac for detailed pit design. In all, 55 nested pit outlines were generated but the one with the highest Net Present Value (NPV) of US$3 185 637 was selected as the optimal pit.

  • Fiky Hendrawan Foreman Mine Plan LinkedIn

    A Mining Engineer who has expertise in mine design, pit optimization, mine schedulling, mechanical earthmoving, and monitoring control. Have the GEOVIA SURPAC 地质和采矿规划软件| 达索系 ,GEOVIA Surpac 是全球使用最为广泛的地质和矿山规划软件,服务于120 多个国家的露天和地下矿山开采及勘探项目。 GEOVIA Minex 为煤矿和其它层状矿床提供唯一的全集成型地质和矿山规划、端到 Pit Design [PDF Document],The tutorial focuses on the use of the new `Pit design' functions first released in Version 3.1 of Surpac Vision, and which constitute a complete rewrite of the older `Pit and Dump' design tools. The result is a significantly higher level of flexibility, ease of use, as well as significantly higher levels of functionality throughout.

  • Handbook Surpac [PDF Document]

    Include a ramp in your pit design. a. From the Navigator click and drag the file pit1.str into the viewport to open it. This string will form the base of the pit you will create. b. From the Mine Design menu choose Pit design, Select slope method. c. Fill the subsequent form as follows: d. From the Mine Design menu choose Pit design, Set slope(PDF) Tutorial Dasar GEOVIA Surpac ADI SAPUTRO,Kotak dialog Design slope angle method Selanjutnya kita kilik tool design > pit design > set slope gradient Gambar 47. Input pit design slope gradient Muncul kotak dialog set the design gradient untuk di bagian units kita pilih angle dan di bagian gradient kita isikan 43 (nilai ini sesuai dari rekomendasi geoteknik bisa mengunakan softwere slide) kemudian Design Pit Surpac Indonesia HN droled mine treatment ,Dec 28, 2012 Surpac delivers all the tools engineers need to create designs and plans for open pit and underground operations.In the system's integrated mine engineering environment, you can create design that maximise ore recovery, while complying with project constraints such . Nov 24, 2011 Surpac software Design Open Pit.


    Under Manager Now working at Surpac Minex, Hyderabad, INDIA Singareni Collieries Page 1 of 18 A project is taken up at Singareni Collieries to design a pit, spoil dump and production scheduling using ‘Apollo & Orion modules of MINEX software’, to get the desired pit design and stage wise plans for preparation of feasibility report.Download surpac for windows 10 for free,Surpac UnderGround Design a SURPAC for Windows. Download. 3.8 on 10 votes . Gemcom Surpac™ is a popular geology and mine planning software suite, supporting open pit and underground operations .. flows. Surpac addresses all,